Friday, May 15, 2009

Life has been a blur of activity! We arrived by train yesterday morning and met with the director. She interviewed us briefly and allowed us to meet a 20 month old little girl. She has lived a this orphanage her whole life. When we walked in to the room, she was sitting in a child sized chair playing with little toys. Everyone seemed to feel a little awkward at first. We eventually warmed up to each other and were led to another visiting room. We were then able to play with her and see her personality really shine. By the end of the visit, we knew this was the reason we were here. She is the reason God called us all this way. By the end of our second visit with her yesterday, she was laughing and giving us hugs. How could we not fall in love with her? She is very precious. She seems to be very healthy. She will need medical care for her right ear, it kind of droops over, but should be no problem to get her help when we get her home. Her other more serious physical issue is that her right eye is smaller than her left eye. We will need to see what we can do for her when we get home. We are so thankful that we live in a country that has quality medical care and we will be able to get her the help she needs. I believe this is part of the reason God led us to her, so that she would be in a family that could help her get the care she needs. We will do our best. In the meantime, we are all enjoying our visits and trying to adjust to a different time zone. I was pretty much awake all night and then drifted off this morning, only waking up at the time we were supposed to be there to see her! We really are responsible parents!


  1. What a blessing! I am so happy for you, she sounds so sweet! I have lots of clothes for you! We will continue to pray for you, that you will get used to the time change and all will progress smoothly!
    Psalm 68:5-6
    A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families. (PTL)

  2. I am so excited for your family!!!!! What a blessing and gift!! I will continue to pray for you as you and this sweet little girl get to know one another. God is so faithful!!


  3. I can hardly wait to meet her! So does this mean that you all get to come home the beginning of June? I love you all so much!

  4. Thanks for getting the blog address to me. We will pray for all the legal stuff to go smoothly so you can bring your little girl home!!
